There will be no shipping or delivery service provided by the American Bonsai Society and its associated persons or groups.
If potters are unable to attend, they must arrange for a trusted individual who will be present at the event to bring their pots on their behalf.
There will be no shipping or delivery service provided by the American Bonsai Society and its associated persons or groups.
If potters are unable to attend, they must arrange for a trusted individual who will be present at the event to bring their pots on their behalf.
Need Help Transporting Your Pots? Discover Potters Can Assist!
While we don’t offer shipping or delivery services, Discover Potters is here to help connect potters with those who can assist in transporting pots to and from the event. Here’s how:
O P T I O N 1 : S O C I A L M E D I A G R O U P
Connect with fellow event attendees by joining the Facebook group 2025 North American Bonsai Pottery Competition Pot Transportation. Whether you're a potter in need of transport assistance or an attendee looking to help, this group is where you can connect with others who can assist with transporting pots to and from the event.
O P T I O N 2 : T R A N S P O R T E R S I G N - U P
Please complete the contact form below to sign up for transporting pots to and/or from the event. Please make sure to include your preferred method of contact, general location, and indicate whether you are willing to accept shipped pots or if pots need to be delivered to you for transportation.
Transporters will be categorized into the following roles:
In-Person Transport: Event attendees who are willing to accept pots in person and transport them to and/or from the event.
Shipping Assistance: Event attendees who can accept shipments of pots and then transport them to and/or from the event.
Transporters will be categorized into the following roles:
In-Person Transport: Event attendees who are willing to accept pots in person and transport them to and/or from the event.
Shipping Assistance: Event attendees who can accept shipments of pots and then transport them to and/or from the event.
Transporter names, general locations, and preferred contact methods will be listed publicly. To view the transporter lists, click the button below.
While ABS and Discover Potters will provide a platform to help connect potters with transporters, ABS, Discover Potters and its affiliates and sponsors are not responsible for the transport itself due to liability reasons.
Entrants are responsible for the arrangement, cost, packing, and logistics of transporting the pot to AND from the event. The American Bonsai Society, the U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition, Discover Potters, and any affiliated persons or groups are not responsible for the transportation, safety, and security of any pots submitted. The American Bonsai Society, the U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition, Discover Potters, and any affiliated persons or groups are not liable for any damage that may occur to any pots due to transportation to and from the event.
The American Bonsai Society, the U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition, and Discover Potters take no responsibility for lost, damaged or stolen pots.
While ABS and Discover Potters will provide a platform to help connect potters with transporters, ABS, Discover Potters and its affiliates and sponsors are not responsible for the transport itself due to liability reasons.
Entrants are responsible for the arrangement, cost, packing, and logistics of transporting the pot to AND from the event. The American Bonsai Society, the U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition, Discover Potters, and any affiliated persons or groups are not responsible for the transportation, safety, and security of any pots submitted. The American Bonsai Society, the U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition, Discover Potters, and any affiliated persons or groups are not liable for any damage that may occur to any pots due to transportation to and from the event.
The American Bonsai Society, the U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition, and Discover Potters take no responsibility for lost, damaged or stolen pots.
For Learning Seminars tickets, lodging, transportation, merchandise, and all other event information, please visit the American Bonsai Society website.
D I S C O V E R P O T T E R S I S P R O U D T O S P O N S O R T H E 2 0 2 5 N O R T H A M E R I C A N B O N S A I P O T T E R Y C O M P E T I T I O N